Leibnitz Theorem
Leibnitz a German philosopher and mathematician proposed a rule which is a generalization of the product rule of differentiation. Leibnitz rule states that if two functions u(x) and v(x) are differentiable n times individually, then their product u(x).v(x) is also differentiable n times.
If u(x) and v(x) are two n-times differentiable functions then
Proof Of Leibnitz Theorem
Leibnitz formula can be proved by Principle of Mathematical Induction.
Let us start with n =1
u(x).v(x))' = u'(x).v(x) + u(x).v'(x)
for second derivative n=2
(u(x).v(x))'' = u''(x).v(x) + 2u'(x).v'(x) + u(x).v''(x)
for third derivative
(uv)′′′ = = (u”v+2(u′v′)+uv”)′
= u′′′v+u′′v′+2u′′v′+2u′v′′+u′v′′+uv′′′
= u′′′v+3u′′v′+3u′v′′+uv′′
We know
dn(UV)/dxn = nC0.Un.V + nC1.Un-1.V1 + nC2.Un-2.V2 + nCr.Un-r.Vr +...........+ nCn.U.Vn
We assume that the theorem is true for a particular value of n say k
(UV)k = Uk.V + kC1 Uk−1.V1 + kC2 Uk−2.V2 + ...+ kCr-1Uk−r+1.Vr−1 + kCr Uk−r.Vr + kCkU.Vk
Differentiating both sides, we get
(UV)k+1 = [Uk+1.V + Uk.V1] + [kC1 Uk.V1 + kC1 . Uk−1.V2] +...+ [kC2 Uk−1.V2 + kC2 Uk−2.V3] +
...+ [kCr−1 Uk−r+2.Vr−1] + [kCr−1 Uk−r+1.Vr] + [kCr Uk−r+1.Vr + kCr Uk−r.Vr+1] +...
+ [kCk U1.Vk + kCk U.Vk+1 ]
Re-arranging the terms
=[Uk+1.V +(1 + kC1) Uk.V1] + (kC1 + kC2) Uk−1.V2 +...+( kCr−1+ kCr ) Uk−r+1.Vr +... kCk U.Vk+1
We know kCk = 1 ; (1 + kC1) = ( kCk + kC1)
Also kCr−1 + kCr = k+1 Cr
=Uk+1.V + (k+1)C1 Uk.V1 + (k+1)C2Uk−1.V2 +...+ (k+1)Cr Uk−r+1.Vr +...+ U.Vk+1
Thus, the theorem is true for n =1,2,3 and for n = k+1, Hence, the theorem is true for all positive real values of n.
Proof : Method 2
If two functions f(x) and g(x) are differentiable n times separately, then their product f(x). g(x) is also differentiable n times. Let us generalise the Leibniz rule using the formula
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