Ours a perfect unique solar system ?
Why our solar system is so unique in universe, there are nine planets circling the sun in various orbits. Jupiter is the most important planet in our solar system , it protects the planets from asteroids particularly the inner most planets , Its very common to have binary star systems in many galaxies and we have seen many stars being orbited by a few exoplanets unlike our solar system , we have not seen any other solar system so unique as ours. Our solar system has 9 planets with proper distribution of heavy planets. Earth being at perfect distance from sun to support life , The Jupiter being exactly at the half way. The rocky planets in the inner circle and big gas giants Neptune and Saturn at the outer.
Sun is 100 times bigger than Earth in diameter and Jupiter is 11 times bigger than Earth,
diameter for Earth of 12,756 km
diameter for Jupiter 139822 km
diameter for Sun is 1392000 km
dearth = 12756
dJupiter =139822
dSun = 1392000
Volume of a sphere is given by the formula
V = 4/3 π r³
VEarth = (4/3) * 3.14 * (dearth/2) **3 = 1086230340743.0399
VJupiter = (4/3) * 3.14 * (dJupiter/2) **3 = 1430556211858396.5
VSun = (4/3) * 3.14 * (dSun/2) **3 = 1.41154947072e+18
Ration of volumes Jupiter and Sun with respect to Earth
1316.99 , 1299493.68
More than 1300 Earths would fit inside Jupiter where as it would take approximately 1.3 million Earths to fill the Sun's volume.
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