Microchip Implants For Employees

We are in the beginning or midst of a new technology a microchip implantation for the employees or cyborg implants, which provide many benefits which outweigh the drawbacks.The microchip uses RFID technology (Radio-frequency identification) is an automatic identification method, relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders.

These microchips helps the employee to open the doors, log on to computers , buy snacks, interact with their smartphones, computers, sharing business cards, and storing medical/health information.

Sweden company called Epicenter ,Wisconsin tech company called Three Square Market are already using this new technology for its employees. Don’t be a scaredy-cat ,data in the microchip is encrypted and does not use GPS, so it cannot be used to track employees or obtain private information.

Television and broadcasting company NBC have claimed that by 2017 all Americans will have been implanted with a microchip that will allow for immediate identification of a person’s identity. Of course some are concerned that this gives total control to the government and can track the whereabouts of a person and hence violation of privacy. We become a government controlled cyborg. According to Elon Musk humans must become cyborgs and develop a direct high-bandwidth connection with machines or risk irrelevance and obsolescence.

Cyborgs have been as big a part of sci-fi and many cyborg movies were made on these concepts such as Terminator, Robocop even Star Trek, etc. Of course moral questions are raised around the ethics of this particular technological advancement.

Finally It  may  not  be an overstatement that one day scientists will invent  a super pill which provides everything from Vitamins to minerals ,good fats to bad fats what all your body requires instead of having a cheese burger , a macaroni that regular stuff we eat .These must be considered as human enhancement/augmentation or become less human as some may argue.


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