We know that the Bosons are force carriers namely photon ,W and Z bosons (W+ W- an Z0) ,graviton and Gluon. Gluons mediate the interactions of the strong nuclear force, which binds together quarks to form protons and neutrons also holds the protons and neutrons together within an atom's nucleus.Photons are responsible for electromagnetic interactions,where as W and Z bosons are weak forces.
At enegies greater than 100 Gev these particles photons, W and Z bosons are essentially identical, the weak and electromagnetic interactions were manifestations of a single force but The Weinberg–Salam (spontaneous symmetry breaking) theory predicts that, at lower energies, this symmetry is broken so that the massless photon and the massive W and Z bosons emerge.
The question of how the W and Z got so much mass in the spontaneous symmetry breaking is still a perplexing one.The symmetry-breaking mechanism is called a Higgs field, and requires a new boson, the Higgs boson to mediate it.The graviton is a theoretical particle which has not yet been experimentally detected.
The name boson comes from the surname of Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose, a brilliant physicist from the early twentieth century who worked with Albert Einstein to develop a method of analysis called Bose-Einstein statistics.
One of the most dramatic effect of Bose-Einstein statistics is the prediction that bosons can overlap and coexist with other bosons. Fermions, on the other hand, can not do this, because they follow the Pauli Exclusion Principle which states that no two particles can have all 4 quantum numbers or quantum state same they have to differ in at least in one of them.
Einstein tried to show that under the appropriate conditions that is at very high energies prevailed at the big bang, all the fundamental forces of nature could be described as a unified single force.
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