Quantum Computers

Quantum computing is based on the concept of quantum nature of particles. Instead of just binary digits 0 and 1,  quantum computation works on several possibilities a quantum state can have. The basic unit of information in quantum computers is quantum bits or qubits. Any two or more quantum states can be added together superposed and the result will be another valid quantum state, conversely every quantum state can be represented as a sum of two or more other distinct states.

Quantum computing primarily employs two important concepts of quantum physics, superposition and quantum entanglement. In superposition particles are thought of as existing across all the possible states at the same time.However, once a measurement of a particle is made, and for example its energy or position is known, the superposition is lost and now we have a particle in one known state.

Quantum entanglement means that multiple particles are linked together in a way such that the measurement of one particle's quantum state determines the possible quantum states of the other particles even if they separated by several light years. Changing one particle will induce a change in the other.

A 2-bit register in an ordinary computer can store only one of four binary configurations (00, 01, 10, or 11) at any given time, a 2-qubit register in a quantum computer can store all four numbers simultaneously or combination of any two or more configurations because each qubit represents two values,That is a qubit can store a zero, a one, both zero and one, or an infinite number of values in between and be in multiple states (store multiple values) at the same time! If more qubits are added, the increased capacity is expanded exponentially.

It is extremely difficult to get particles to behave in the proper way for a significant length of time. A major difficulty in quantum computing has been any disturbance in a quantum system say a stray photon or wave of EM radiation causes the quantum state to collapse, a process known as decoherence. A quantum computer must be totally isolated from all external interference during the computation phase. Some success has been achieved with the use of qubits in intense magnetic fields, with the use of ions.

Although a fully functioning quantum computer is a longer-term goal, many fundamental and practical discoveries have been made in the name of quantum computing.

A team of NASA and Google engineers announced the D-Wave computer, running an optimization problem, came up with an answer 100 million times faster than a conventional computer with a single core processor. What a D-Wave machine does in a second would take a conventional computer with a single core 10,000 years to perform a similar task.

IBM made a new superconducting chip demonstrates a technique crucial to the development of quantum computers. Google, NASA, Microsoft, IBM, and the U.S. government are all working on this new technology.


Russian Telescope detects an Alien Signal?

Russian Astronomers claimed to have detected a strong signal from space actually 95 light years away from a star named HD164595 in the Hercules constellation. The star Contains a planet within it which is the size of Neptune and appears to have the right conditions for supporting life.

Seti(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute) a private organization, searches the skies for alien life. Seth Shostak, the director for the Center for SETI Research, cautions people to curb their enthusiasm. There are many different possible explanations for what caused the detection.

SETI's Allen Telescope Array, based in northern California is looking for another signal by pointing their radio telescopes in that direction to see if it can pick up a repeat transmission. 

Gravitational Lensing

Gravitational lensing is the warping of light around objects in space that have a strong gravitational pull like our sun.Einstein general theory of relativity describes how gravity can distort the path of light, altering its trajectory.
Lensing can produce multiple images of a distant source a phenomenon termed strong lensing. The foreground lens is a galaxy and when the background source is a quasar or resolved jet, the strong lensed images are usually point-like multiple images; When the background source is a galaxy or extended jet emission, the strong lensed images can be arcs or rings.
Microlensing ,the temporary brightening of a star due to the magnification induced by a foreground object that crosses the line of sight to the observer. Microlensing has also been effective in the detection of exoplanets as well.
Weak gravitational lensing holds enormous promise in observational cosmology, as the technique, properly employed, can reveal the distribution of dark matter independently of any assumptions about its nature. Dark matter does have mass so we can use gravitational lensing to map the dark matter in the universe.
We can use the effect to peer deeper into the Universe than would otherwise be possible with our conventional telescopes. In fact, the most distant galaxies ever observed, ones seen just a few hundred million years after the Big Bang, were all discovered using gravitational lensing. Astronomers use gravitational microlensing to detect planets around other stars. The foreground star acts as a lens for a background star.


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